Cosmic Creativity: How Art Evolves Consciousness

Visionary art matters, because the visionary and mystical experience is the most direct contact we have with the divine, and all sacred art and religious traditions are founded on this mystic state. The best currently available technology for sharing the mystic visionary experience is a well crafted artistic rendering by an eye-witness. - Alex Grey

Visionary artist Alex Grey talks about cosmic creativity, visionary art and the relationship between art and consciousness. This video dives deep into cosmic creativity, the integration of art into the culture and Alex’s own personal journey as a spiritual artist. This video also reveals how he eventually became a global leader in the field of conscious and visionary art. Two of the most famous collections of art of Alex Grey are the Sacred Mirrors and Progress of the Soul. All of Alex’s information and artwork can be viewed on his personal website by clicking here.

Art is an echo of the creative force that birth the galaxies. Creativity is the way that the cosmos evolves and communicates with itself. The great uplifting of humanity, beyond its self-destruction, is the redemption mission of art. - Alex Grey
